Patient Rights & Responsibilities
For all planned cases, Customer service executive shall inform you a day prior on date and time of arrival.
Patients should know that their rights are guaranteed not only while receiving health care services, but it covers their rights before and after receiving the service.
- Patients have the right to be treated with dignity and respect regardless of age, gender, religion, or culture.
- Patients have the right to receive healthcare services and treatment with appropriate attention, competence & without unnecessary delay.
- Patients have the right to receive essential physical, moral & behavioral support from healthcare practitioners and caregivers.
- Patients have the right to receive treatment in licensed Healthcare facilities by licensed healthcare practitioners in The State of Qatar.
- Patients have the right to receive a safe and high-quality health care.
- Patients have the right to receive care in a healthy, safe & secure environment that maintains essential hygiene, required safe equipment, safe sterilization & a smoke-free environment as per Qatari Laws.
- Patients have the right to receive health care that is free from unethical behavior, abuse, or negligence.
- Patients have the right to be referred and/or transferred to another Healthcare facility when medically required or upon patient’s request when medically permissible.
- Patients have the right, upon request, to know the identity of their healthcare providers including doctors, nurses and others who are directly involved in provision of healthcare services to them.
- Patients have the right to concise, complete, and easily understood information about their diagnosis and treatment options, side-effects, complications and any undesirable effects and an interpreter can be provided when needed. (Except when it is medically Inadvisable to do so, in which case the information, should be given to the patient’s guardian or parents in case of minors or legally authorized person).
- Patients have the right to request information about the health care facilities’ charges for their services and payment methods & the immediate and long-term financial implications of the treatment choices. (Patients have the right to request information about the health care facilities’ charges for the current/immediate and long-term services that might affect the treatment options and payment methods.)
- Patients have the right to request a copy of their medical reports including x-rays, diagnostic reports, and hospital discharge reports/summary in compliance with facility’s internal policy (except when it is medically inadvisable to do so, in which case the information should be given to the patient’s guardian or parents in case of minors or legally authorized person).
- Patients have the right to participate in decisions about their care and treatment, including the right to refuse treatment (to the extent permitted by regulations). The patient’s consent or refusal must be documented in the patient’s medical record.
- Patients have the right to request a second opinion.
- Patients have the right to decide whether they want to take part in clinical training and medical research.
- Patients have the right to have their personal information and medical records kept private and confidential (releasing information to a third party by any means is subject to patient’s permission only, except sharing medical records and reports with official authorities upon official requests) & be viewed only by parents in case of minors, guardian, direct caregiver or legally authorized person.
- Patients have the right to request a family member or nominate a support person to be present during examination and discussion of their case.
- Patients have the right to privacy & respect during physical examination & treatment.
- Patients have the right to provide feedback and make complaints if not satisfied about the care they received, to the healthcare facilities management, and if not resolved, patients have the right to file complaints to Governmental Health Communication Center (GHCC) at Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) to be investigated by Fitness to Practice (FTP) /Department of Healthcare Professions.
- Patients have the right to expect that any complaint made by them to the Healthcare provider or MOPH will be investigated thoroughly, objectively and appropriately and be informed of the outcomes.
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Patient Rights & Responsibilities
Our healthcare team is committed to serving you with compassion and the best quality medical care.