Fracture repair Surgery in Doha, Qatar
Fracture repair is a treatment used to repair broken bones. There are several treatments and techniques used to tend to a broken bone. Doctors will suggest the right one based on the nature of your fracture. A fracture repair is usually performed when casting alone cannot hold up the broken bone. If a fracture repair doesn't take place, the bone will grow in a strange place. It could lead to extreme bone weakness; in some cases, patients lose muscle function. Infection and swelling are also experienced by patients whose fractures aren't treated appropriately. The doctor will order a few imaging like X-rays and MRIs to get a clear picture of your fracture. You will also be asked to starve a day before the surgery from midnight. Complications in this procedure are infrequent.
This procedure has risks like bleeding and infection and can rarely lead to long-term complications. Aster medical center has the most experienced doctors at your disposal to help you heal your fractures soon. After the surgery, you won't be allowed to do any heavy lifting or exercises for 2 to 4 weeks. You will gradually improve if you practice the exercises prescribed to you by the physiotherapist. The experts of the physio department at Aster can help you achieve a speedy recovery.